Hi Jim Verquist, thanks for your response! But, no that’s not a typo. I meant it exactly as written. Resize the viewport in this demo: https://www.codeply.com/go/0jd0RfUGtd, and you’ll see what I mean.
will NOT stack vertically
will stack vertically at width < `sm`
When I said,
“Columns will stack vertically (and become full-width) at the smaller screen widths unless you use a specific col-*
class in your HTML markup. Use a specific col-*
to prevent that vertical stacking.” Notice, I didn’t say use col-sm-*
or col-md-*,
I said use col-*
I’m not taking about auto-layout columns. I’m referring to the “classic” 12-unit grid.
refers to col-1
, col-2
, col-3
… col-4
These columns will not stack vertically (A.K.A “prevent that vertical stacking”). This is not col, col-sm, col-md
However, col-(sm|md|lg|xl)-*
columns will stack vertically.
As seen in the example, col-sm-4
stacks vertically below sm, while col-4
does not.